Saturday, 14 January 2012

Friday’s Fiver No 7

This week’s Friday’s Fiver goes to Dumfires & Cumbria Greyhound Rescue in Scotland.


From their website:

Why, you may wonder, does Dumfriesshire and Cumbria need a greyhound rescue organisation? - Updated 14th April 2011

Well the truth is that Dumfriesshire is home, at Gretna, to one of the five remaining Scottish greyhound racing tracks. In addition the track is just a mile from the border with Cumbria and it attracts clients from much further afield.  And where there is greyhound racing there are retired or abandoned dogs.
In December 2001 some concerned owners of retired greyhounds and friends decided that something needed to be done to improve the lot of ex-racing and ex-coursing dogs. Dumfriesshire Greyhound Rescue came into existence. Although we are based in Scotland, our constitution covers ‘Dumfriesshire and surrounding areas’. ‘Surrounding areas’ is mainly Cumbria, though depending upon circumstances has been further away.

With the assistance of friends we were quickly able to qualify as a Scottish Charity. This has enabled us to raise funds more easily. We use what we raise mainly for kennel fees, vet fees, fostering expenses and advertising. However we also run an extensive ‘Events’ calendar (it all costs money) where we try to raise public awareness of the plight of dogs at the end of their racing/coursing careers. Our new white caravan decorated with running greyhound logos (donated by members Margaret & Graham), is becoming a familiar sight throughout the area. 

Due to the amount of work, rescuing and homing dogs that is now being done in Cumbria, it was proposed in May of 2007 at our AGM, that the charity's name be changed from Dumfriesshire Greyhound Rescue to Dumfriesshire and Cumbria Greyhound Rescue, the motion was passed and the charity name has now been changed.

To date (April 2011) we have found homes for just over 700 dogs, a few of them lurchers, but the vast majority ex-racers or coursers. Most of the coursers have originated in Cumbria. We have found that despite their size – they tend to be larger and heavier than racing dogs – they make equally as good pets. The lucky owners who have one would say better!
So if you live in Dumfries and Galloway, Cumbria or wherever, and would like to help us find homes for retired greyhounds, please get in touch. You don’t have to own a greyhound, or even a dog.  All you need is a little time and a big heart!

Registered Charity Number SCO32858

They have a very useful page on their website with a list of some dog friendly places to stay in the UK.


  1. Hi Sara,
    hope you are well. Just feel like my heart is broken every time I see a new dog that needs rescued. There are just too many dogs in the world and not enough careful owners. I wish I could do so much more. x

  2. Please visit my blog to collect your latest award! Deccy x

  3. Hello we came across your blog from Declans!

    We have had a good read and we just love it! We are from Cumbria and Mum has given to the greyhound rescue before, but your post has made her want to give again!

    We can't wait to read more!



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