Sunday, 15 November 2009

Catching up on sewing – Part 2

I am still battling away with sewing up all the projects in my FO box.  I know I said I wasn’t going to start anything else off until I had finished all the making up but I just had to try Debi Birkin's Diggerdy Dog Greyhound Pup.  I didn’t knit the trousers and knitted him in a brindle colour. 


He has gone to his new home already!

Here are some more of the projects completed recently in my Marathon Making Up Session

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I am halfway through making up Sidney Slapstick, have 4 mini Jean Greenhowe elephants to make up, Peter Rabbit and Jean Greenhowe’s Emily Doll.  Maybe this time next week I will start that throw I am longing to make Autumn Log Cabin Throw


1 comment:

  1. Everything's just great. I can see how you couldn't resist knitting the puppy!


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