Sunday, 5 February 2012

Doggy Cake Recipe


As requested by a couple of our blogging friends, here is the recipe I use for the hounds Gotcha Cake. The original recipe I got from Dog Cake Recipes but I tweaked the recipe very slightly by missing off the butter, I thought the oil was enough fat already.

Gotcha/Birthday Recipe

  • 1 ½ cup of Flour
  • 1 ½ teaspoon of Baking Powder
  • 1 jar of Beef Baby Food (any flavour would do – its just for gooeyness)
  • ½ cup of Corn Oil (I used rapeseed oil)
  • 4 fresh eggs
  • Natural Yogurt
  • A few strips of Beef Jerky (I used chew strips like Scmackos, soft enough so you can tear them up)

Put the beef baby food, oil and eggs into a bowl and mix them thoroughly. Add the rest of the ingredients and make sure the final mixture is smooth. Tear the beef jerky strips into smaller pieces and add them. Pour into a lined 6” or 7” cake tin and cook in the oven at 200 C for about 1 hour. Turn out on to cooling rack. When cold spread natural yogurt over the top for frosting and using the strips, spell out the initial of your dog or using a squeezy bottle of sauce (I used barbeque sauce) write the initial letter or name. Serve and your dog will love it!



  1. Happy Gotcha Day Raven. I hope Mum can make this cake for me; I think we're gradually sorting out my tummy issues! I have a whole cookety book to review that I got for Christmas too. Hehe! Deccy x

  2. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I know that Cruce & Tosca are going to love it!

  3. That looks pretty tasty. We might have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

  4. very clever! Hounds deserve celebrations too! I think if I made a cake for my hound though, everyone in the house including the dog would be very sorry about 30 minutes later, as he would eat the whole thing...immediately...yikes! Happy baking!



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