Monday, 6 February 2012

Snowy Sunday

All last week, the UK forecasters were predicting that most of the UK would have snow showers on Saturday night and sure enough, Sunday morning we woke up to 4 –5 inches of snow.  Big deal, I hear our American/Canadians readers, but for us, here in the UK, especially here on the East Anglian coast, snow is quite a big deal, however little we get.

Thought you might like to see some footage of our snowy Sunday.  First up, is Raven being Raven (I apologise for me screeching in the back ground and if you turn the volume up really high you can just about make out the Sunday morning church bells), then the chicken’s first ever glimpse of snow (they were not keen at all, and in the end I had to clear a path the very short distance from the hen house to their feeder).  Next clip is Tillie & Raven getting excited on our departure for the mornings walk (heavily egged on by Nigel winding them up with a broom!) and last but by no means least, Tillie & Raven ‘zooming’.  Note Raven’s speedy, sleek run as opposed to Tillie’s ‘leaping in the air’ run. 



  1. That looks like magic... wish I had space like that! Glad to see Raven comes when she's called... just like me. Hehe! Deccy x

  2. Great space to run wild in.

    You could just see that chicken thinking, 'ok, why hasn't our slave cleared a path for us?'

  3. Ah, that looked lovely,nice to have some snow for once.The doggies certainly enjoyed it. We were a bit disappointed here in Northumberland to only have rain.

  4. Snow is such fun. Its been so warm over here in the NYC area that there are flowers bloomin in february

  5. We've got plants sprouting here in Ontario, Canada too! Februaryu and no snow! :(

  6. It's so pretty and the dogs look like they loved it!

  7. What fun! My guys love doing zoomies in the snow.


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